UINTATHERIUM SKULL cast replica reproduction
Uintatherium ("Beast of the Uinta Mountains") is an extinct genus of herbivorous mammal that lived during the Eocene epoch.
Rare and exotic Dinocerata mammal of Eocene Uinta Colorado. 55MYA.
Detached from A114
The skulls of the males bore six prominent knob-like ossicones (horn-like or antler-like protuberance) which grew from the frontal region of the skull. The function of these structures is unknown. They may have been of used for defense or display. Uintatherium lived during the early to middle portions of the Eocene. It was an herbivore, eating leaves, grasses and shrubs. Uintatherium lived near water and used its sabre-like canines to pluck the aquatic and marsh plants which comprised its diet. It became extinct by climatic changes and competition with brontotheres, and true and hyrachodont rhinocerii without leaving any descendants.
Skull cast replica
Mammal amblypod of the Eocene Uinta Formation of Colorado.
Measures 29x13in (74x33cm).
For rent or sale.