Dinosaur skull cast replica
T.rex skull cast replica
Tyrannosaurus Rex "Harley" fossil skull
This cast replica comes from the Cretaceous Hell Creek formation, Jordan, Montana.
The original is in Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History specimen.
Resin cast measures 53x35x40in
Resin cast $9,995
Crating and shipping costs are not included.
We can custom paint any of our casts - just ask!
In 1966, a crew working for the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County under the direction of Harley Garbani discovered another T. rex (LACM 23844) which included most of the skull of a very large, mature animal. When it was put on display in Los Angeles, LACM 23844 was the largest T. rex skull on exhibit anywhere. Garbani also discovered several other partial skeletons over the next decade (including LACM 23845, the holotype of "Albertosaurus" megagracilis), some of which are maintained in the collections of the University of California Museum of Paleontology in Berkeley, California. Other skulls and partial skeletons were discovered in South Dakota and Alberta, Canada in the early 1980s. (Horner, J.R. & Lessem, D. 1993. The Complete T. rex New York: Simon & Schuster. 238pp)
Tyrannosaurus Rex "Harley" fossil skull
This cast replica comes from the Cretaceous Hell Creek formation, Jordan, Montana.
The original is in Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History specimen.
Resin cast measures 53x35x40in
Resin cast $9,995 Crating and shipping costs are not included.
We can custom paint any of our casts - just ask!
Various stands available.
This skull is also available for rent.
Please call (314) 556-0650 or email us for more information or photos
Freight shipping is not included in price and can not be calculated in shopping cart.