We have specialized in renting dinosaurs for corporate events, parties, conventions, film shoots, weddings, birthday parties, movies and television shows.
Let us know what you are interested in and we can put a custom package together for you.
Dinosaur rental package #1
This is our rental package of medium and smaller dinosaurs.
It includes:
Herrerasaurus skeleton cast replica
This skeleton measures 38" to the top of the hip and 112" long
Shipping crate measures: 56 X 24 X 45" and 138 lbs
Chasmosaur Skull cast replica
Skull cast measures:
84 inches (2.1 meters) long.
46 inches (1.2 meters) top frill width
Height varies based on stand chosen.
Othnielia rex skeleton measures: 65” long, 29” tall, 8” wide
Deinonychus skeleton measures 103” long, 48” tall (to the back) & 77” long, 24” wide
Lufengosaurus skeleton
Dinosaur skeleton measures: Approx 9ft long and just under 4 ft tall.
Crate size: Crate length 6ft 6 (78 inches), height 4ft (48 inches), width 3ft 4 (40 inches), weight: __
Jeholosaurus skeleton cast replica measures 70cm (26 inches) from the snout to the end of the tail.
Pachycephalosaurus skull cast replica.
Measures: 21 1/2 inches long x 11 1/2 inches high.
Giant Argentinasaurus vertebra
Argentinosaurus Vertebra cast with stand
Cast measures: 183cm / 72in.132 / 52.51 / 20.
Stegosaur skeleton: Huayangosaurus/Tuojiangosaurus multispinus
Our Stegosaurus is an Huayangosaurus.
It comes in a black crate and can be displayed on top of the crate to give it more height. Standing alone on the floor it measures: 54" and tall 104" long and 36" wide.
Video: https://www.dropbox.com/s/3qbv8ige7a743gm/VID_37500322_210014_919.mp4?dl=0
Camarasaurus skull
This beautiful Camarasaurus skull measures approx. 30 inches (76.2 cm) long, 14 inches (35.5 cm) wide, 21 inches (53.3 cm) height without vertebrae.
Tsintaosaurus skull cast replica.
Resin cast measures: 24+ inches tall and 20+ inches long. (61 cm high x 51 cm long).
Saurolophus skull measures: 14 x 29 x 7 Inches
Apatosaurus femur
This great Apatosaurus femur measures 59 inches long (1.5 meters). Total height varies based on the stand chosen.
Please call (314) 556-0650 or email us for more photos or information