Dinosaur T-Rex T.rex skeleton cast replica
T.rex cast replica
Tyrannosaurus Rex "Ivan" fossil skeleton
Ivan the T. rex was discovered by paleontologist Alan Komrosky in 2007, in South Dakota – only 5 feet underground.
The original fossil T-rex skeleton was molded and now cast replicas are available exclusively from TMF.
Resin cast measures 40 feet long and 12 feet high.
Resin cast $84,995 Assembled
$74,995 Unassembled
Crating and shipping costs are not included.
We can custom paint any of our casts - just ask!
Various stands available.
This skeleton is also available for rent.
Please call (314) 556-0650 or email us for more information or photos
Freight shipping is not included in price and can not be calculated in shopping cart.
How do you feel about 3 Tyrannosaur species? Original Tyrannosaurus rex (king tyrant lizard), the newly named, robust Tyrannosaurus imperator (emperor tyrant lizard) and the newly named, comparatively slender Tyrannosaurus regina (tyrant lizard queen)?
This cast is exclusive to Taylor Made Fossils and BigfootCasts.com
The Work is a product of the artistry, artwork, and preparation of Taylor Made Fossils and/or Bigfootcasts.com and/or their affiliates. As such it is protected under United States and International Copyright laws. Any duplication of The Work without written authorization of the copyright holder(s) is not permitted and is subject to civil and criminal prosecution.