Stegosaurus skull cast replica #3
Dinosaur skeleton For Sale or rent
Stegosaur skeleton: Huayangosaurus/Tuojiangosaurus multispinus
Our Stegosaurus is an Huayangosaurus/Tuojiangosaurus multispinus
Standing alone on the floor it measures: 54" and tall 104" long and 36" wide.
It comes in a black crate and can be displayed on top of the crate to give it more height.
Purchase price $14,995
Rental price $ Varies based on duration of rental. Please contact us 314 556-0650
Watch video: https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fembed%2F_89_4kgxKD8&h=AT0122ec-86ruZZRLeC3hicmqgzgqYQ0vsDavu2UZUBQU6YUm0j2FVQhFhKRSnVuhKPPbL7Me6EzoX9ateqf7kCssEdZpbH70qIPWyVoa90r2k1VLd2wHrArfmGPgP07M9XcMnaEk26CZJO1ow&s=1