Dinosaur skin impressions are quite rare. We often find bone, which tells us about the osteology of these ancient animals, however typically the soft parts of the animals decayed and were not preserved. Skin impressions are unusual, but when found, if carefully prepared, they help us to more accurately envision what these ancient animals would have looked like in life. This hadrosaur skin impression is from an original specimen nicknamed BOGGY LIPS.
Edmontosaurus annectens BOGGY LIPS Skin Impression Cast Replica (BHI #126428)
Note: some portions of the original fossil may have been scientifically restored.
Late Cretaceous, Maastrichtian
Locality Lance Formation, Niobrara County, Wyoming, USA
Credit: BOGGY LIPS was collected and partially prepared by BHIGR and is in their permanent collection.
Please contact us with your questions. Size ~ 4.5” w x 6.5” l (11 x 17 cm)
Price: $80.00
Phone (314) 556-0650