The Mothman was a mysterious winged creature seen by several people in the state of West Virginia during the 1960s. Described as a “man-sized” flying creature with glowing red eyes, the Mothman is believed by some to arrive before tragic events take place.
- Characteristics: This Mothman figure features many of the characteristics described by witnesses, including large black wings and bulbous red eyes. Its furry body and feathery antennae were inspired by real-life moths.
- Size and Color: The Mothman figure is 5 inches tall and 6 inches wide from wingtip to wingtip. It’s about the size of a DVD or Blu-Ray disc. Its coloration is mostly black with some gray highlights, silver claws and teeth, and metallic red eyes.
- The Mothman is part of our Mythical Realms collection
- All of our Safari Ltd products are Non-toxic and BPA-free
The Flatwoods Monster, The Grafton Monster, Ogua, Vegetable Man, Snarly Yow, Sheepsquatch, Snallygaster, Bat Boy, and Sasquatch.