Tarbosaurus egg cast replica.
Geological strata: Kanoguo, XiXia Basin
Late Cretaceous
Discovered in Henan Providence, China.
Egg cast measures 16" long and approximately 7" wide. This is one of the largest Asian T-rex egg ever found. Most large eggs are 12-14 inches long - this is over 2 inches longer!
The original fossil was in great condition due to the baby Tarbosaurus coming out of one end of the egg. While hatching, it did not destroy any of the eggshell and it hardened without collapsing or crushing the egg.
Tarbosaurus Egg cast
Tarbosaurus is the Asian T-rex and resembles T-rex in almost every way.
It was 46 ft long and had large teeth and claws. Tarbosaurus ate anything it desired. It may have had a longer skull than T-rex. Tarbosaurus laid its eggs in a spiral pattern nest.
Please call (314) 556-0650 or email us for more photos or information
Please note that some photos may show the original fossil dinosaur egg that we molded to make our cast. There may be a slight difference in coloration in all casts. Cuatom painting is available.
Cast measures appropriately. 17 inches long x 6.5 inches wide x 3.5 inches high (43.8 cm x 16.51 x 8.89cm).
Last photo shows orher available Dinosaur egg nests and egg casts