This skeleton cast is made of resin/fiberglass and measures 72x30 inches.
Price does not include crating and shipping
Plesiosaurus (pronounced: plee-zee-oh-SAWR-us). It's name comes from the Greek: plesios, which means "near to" + sauros, meaning: "lizard"). Plesiosaurus was a large (about 3 to 5 meters long), marine Sauropterygian reptile that lived during the early part of the Jurassic Period, and is known by nearly complete skeletons from the Lias of England and Germany. It was distinguished by its small head, long and slender neck, broad turtle like body, a short tail, and two pairs of large, elongated paddles. It lends its name to the order Plesiosauria, of which it is an early but fairly typical member.
Plesiosaurus was one of the first of the "antediluvian reptiles" to be discovered (by Mary Anning), and excited great interest in Victorian England. It was so-named ("near lizard") by William Conybeare, to indicate that it was more like a normal reptile than Ichthyosaurus, which had been found in the same rock strata just a few years previously.
This piece was first produced in the 1860s by Henry Ward, of Ward's Scientific. We purchased an 11-piece collection of his antique casts with the intention of making them available to the world once again this time with the correct coloration.
This is the first time in 140 years that this piece has been available for purchase and the first time it has ever been colored correctly.
Please call (314) 556-0650 or email us at fossils@yahoo.com for more pictures or information.
Shipping costs are not included. Shipping within the USA is based on location. You will be charged separately for shipping costs.
This item is not typically kept in stock and some production time may be needed prior to shipping.