Brontotherium skull cast replica Brontops Titanothere Brontotheriidae
Brontotherium skull cast replica Brontops Titanothere Brontotheriidae
Brontotherium skull cast replica Brontops Titanothere Brontotheriidae
Brontotherium skull cast replica Brontops Titanothere Brontotheriidae
Brontotherium skull cast replica Brontops Titanothere Brontotheriidae
Brontotherium skull cast replica Brontops Titanothere Brontotheriidae
Brontotherium skull cast replica Brontops Titanothere Brontotheriidae
Brontotherium skull cast replica Brontops Titanothere Brontotheriidae
Brontotherium skull cast replica Brontops Titanothere Brontotheriidae
Brontotherium skull cast replica Brontops Titanothere Brontotheriidae
Brontotherium skull cast replica Brontops Titanothere Brontotheriidae
Brontotherium skull cast replica Brontops Titanothere Brontotheriidae
Brontotherium skull cast replica Brontops Titanothere Brontotheriidae
Brontotherium skull cast replica Brontops Titanothere Brontotheriidae
Brontotherium skull cast replica Brontops Titanothere Brontotheriidae
Brontotherium skull cast replica Brontops Titanothere Brontotheriidae
Brontotherium skull cast replica Brontops Titanothere Brontotheriidae
Brontotherium skull cast replica Brontops Titanothere Brontotheriidae

Brontotherium skull cast replica Brontops Titanothere Brontotheriidae

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Brontotheriidae, also called Titanotheriidae, is a family of extinct mammals belonging to the order Perissodactyla, the order that includes horses, rhinoceroses, and tapirs. Superficially they looked rather like rhinos, although they were not true rhinos and are probably most closely related to horses. They lived until the very close of the Eocene.

The skull and lowers are from Custer County, SD. The skull (upper) was collected on a cattle ranch in 1992 and the lowers found in the same area but, later in 1999.

Brontops sp. (robustus?)

Crazy Johnson Member

Chadron Formation

Custer County, SD

Molded from a privately owned specimen.

Dimensions of the fossil skull replica: 26" long x 13" wide x 24" tall.

Custom painting available on request.

A custom metal stand is also available similar to the one in the last photo (*Different skull shown for reference only).

Please allow approximately 30 days production time. 

Customer review: "The skull cast arrived in great shape. Your packing job was excellent and the paint is spot on for our preservation here. It will make a fine display"