Bigfoot casts Grays Harbor
There are 5 casts of Big Foot from Grays Harbor County, Washington.
The Bigfoot "Hereford prints" (sic: "Heryford prints"), also called the "Abbot Hill prints", were cast by Sheriff Dennis Hereford on April 22, 1982 (one source gives the date as "mid-1960s") in Grays Harbor County, Washington.
"Deputy Sheriff Denny Hereford was one of several officers investigating footprints found by loggers on the Satsop River, in Grays Harbor County, Washington, in April 1982. The subject strode from the forest across a logging landing, then doubling its stride, left a series of half-tracks on its return to the tree line. Note the indications of the fifth metatarsal and calcaneocuboid joint on the lateral margin of the cast. The proximal margin of the half-track approximates the position of the calcaneocuboid joint." - Jeff Meldrum
The prints are documented in Appendix B of Bigfoot expert Loren Coleman's book: "Bigfoot: The True Story of Apes in America". The book is shown as a reference only and is not included.
Purchase the set of 5 prints at a discount or you can purchase each cast separately. Casts are off-white, not brown as shown in some photos.