Clidastes liodontus (Mosasaur) skull cast replica.
Discovery location: Gove County, Kansas
Formation: Niobrara Chalk
This skull was molded from a virtually complete Cladastes, Mososaur, skeleton discovered in 2001. It was discovered in the Pierre Shale Formation, late Cretaceous (74-83 million years) near Chadron, Nebraska.
This specimen is missing only three to four vertebra from the distal portion of the tail and three phalanges from one paddle. It is otherwise a very rare complete specimen. The original specimen was donated to and is on exhibit at the Elachee Nature Center, Gainesville, GA.
Skull measures
29 X 14.5 X 5.5 inches
This item can also be picked up from our Saint Louis location
Please call (314) 556-0650 or email us at Bigfootcasts@yahoo.com for more pictures or information.
This item is not typically kept in stock and some production time may be needed prior to shipping.